Membership options
The club offers our fencers a range of flexible memberships enabling everyone to fence at a level that suits their ambition and lifestyle . These include standing order schemes, a ‘ pay as you go’ option and family/sibling discounts.
Membership options
Sibling membership
£324 per year or £27/month standing order
For two fencers from the same family fencing on one club session per week. For details on how to set up a standing order please see the section below.
Pay as You Go
£10 per session
For those club and visiting fencers who want to pay per session. To book a session please click here
Beginner Classes
£70 (seven week course)
Seven week course for all adult and junior beginners. The course includes all tuition, kit hire and insurances. Details of beginners courses and start dates can be found here.
Individual Membership
£216 per year or £18/month standing order
Includes access to one club session per week and discounts on all kit purchases. For details on how to set up a standing order please see the section below.
Kit Hire
£5 per session
Kit hire includes mask, glove, jacket , plastron and protector. All weapons and wire will be supplied for by the club. Kit hire can be booked via the online booking page at the same time as your booking is made.
How does the Standing Order scheme work ?
On this scheme fencers will pay a yearly membership fee of £216 which equates to £18 per month for the calendar year. This can be paid in either a single payment or by standing order spread over 12 months.
How is this figure calculated?
We are currently open for 36 weeks of the year in line with the state school terms and we currently charge £6.00 per session. So if a fencer attended all the sessions they would pay £216 for the 36 week fencing year. We have decided not to impose any increase on this for the 2022 season and will keep membership at £216. We will also spread the payments over 12 months (not 9 months) so we would be looking for a monthly standing order of £18/month for the calendar year. The Standing Order can be cancelled at any time but we would ask you to commit to a minimum of a 3 month payment cycle.
HFC Club bank details
Barclays Bank Harrogate
Account Number 70761125
Sort Code: 20-37-13
Please arrange for the Standing order to paid be on or before the 4th day of each month. This will ensure funds are in the HFC account before each Wednesday session.
When setting up the standing order please ensure that the fencer(s) name is used as the payment reference. This will the be offset against the club register. You will also need a website booking code. This can be obtained from the club after your standing order has been set.